Alternative creative awards for Birmingham

Created in Birmingham Awards have been mooted in the past, with the recent mini-fuss over the Creative City Awards churning up support for the idea along with some good suggestions.

I’ve never been keen on attaching CiB’s name to any awards. If things change when I move on then that’s cool and I’d support that, just not on my watch.

That said, I have to admit there are appealing aspects to the idea of some kind of alternative awards. There’s a ‘putting your money where your mouth is’ side of things, as there was with Film Dash. I’ve given the Creative City Awards a bit of a kicking and I much prefer the idea of doing something positive to carping from the sidelines.

So, I’ve said I might (help to) organise something. I think there’d be a few provisos to that:

  • Importantly, that enough people want to see this happen. At least as many people as attended the Creative City Awards (400 people?)
  • No judging panel of appointed experts – nominations and judging to be by public vote
  • An event with free entry, no special guests and no dress code
  • Everyone involved in producing something gets paid something for their work. That means funding/sponsorship

That last one includes me if I’m putting things together. I did Film Dash for the love of it – that wouldn’t be the case here. I wouldn’t take the proverbial though. I guess costings for the organiser’s time, a venue, website, design, etc would be needed.

Anyway, those are some thoughts off the top of my head. Feel free to chuck your suggestions or support in the comments. Negative comments gratefully received too – I’m well up for being talked out of this.