Cquestrate - a crowdsourced solution to climate change

For the past few weeks I’ve been working on a project called Cquestrate – known to my friends and family before 21 July as ‘that science project I’m not allowed to talk about’.

Cquestrate is an attempt to develop a solution to climate change in an ‘open source’ way.  Tim Kruger – the brains behind the project – has come up with a process for reducing carbon dioxide levels that works on paper; whether it can work in practice is another matter but there is certainly reason to hope.

The basic premise revolves around adding lime to seawater.  The Cquestrate website explains how the process works and sets out the questions to be answered before it can be developed further.

For me, there are three particularly great things about Cquestrate:

  1. The idea itself.  If it can be shown to be feasible then this could be huge.  When I read the line in the Cquestrate presentation about carbon dioxide potentially being taken back to pre-industrial levels I nearly fell off my chair.
  2. The ‘open source’ approach.  Giving away knowledge of this magnitude and asking the global community to contribute is a great way to tackle the problem.  People have responded well and it raises the question of which other problems could be tackled in a similar way.
  3. The project is heavily reliant on the internet as a social space where information and ideas can be shared.  It’s a relatively new area to be working in (and as far as we know unheard of in science circles) and it fascinates me.  There are interesting questions around how we get people involved, how we communicate and which are the best tools to use to allow that exchange of information.

I’ve been managing the build of the website and, now that’s in a suitable state for this first phase, my focus is shifting to managing the contributions made visitors, trying to get further contributors involved (especially specialists in the various niches) and keeping an eye on how the website needs to be developed/expanded.

On that last part, any suggestions would be welcome on the ‘Cquestrate website development‘ part of the site.