Arts/Digital on Thoora

Thoora is a service for aggregating a bunch of information around a topic. It combines automatic discovery with human curation. In their words, it’s:
a new way for you to discover, monitor, and share the best of the web: by creating living bodies of knowledge on the topics you choose
I started a topic called Arts/Digital by:
- setting some keywords for the search-powered News section
- populating the Feeds tab with my blogroll (the best feature for me – it’s like a public RSS reader)
- adding a bunch of respectable people to the Tweets tab
It took maybe 15 minutes to do and you can see the results for yourself. I popped back a few times over the afternoon and, although I can’t see it replacing my RSS readers or Twitter, I can see a few other possible uses for it.
For instance, if there’s a subject I need to keep abreast of for a short-medium term period then this might do the job. I’m also tempted to start a Created in Birmingham topic and load it with every Birmingham arts blog and Twitter account I follow. I might do the same with the Arts Council RFO/NPOs for each region. Maybe.