How do you report info from social media to others?

Photo by Whatleydude
Here’s a quick question – I’d be really grateful for any answers or examples in the comments or on Twitter.
The way I see it, the person(s) in charge of an organisation’s digital/social media profiles (I’m mainly thinking of Twitter, Facebook, Google Analytics, etc) is likely to be one of the first to know about:
- Feedback meant for the rest of the organisation (whether positive, negative or neutral)
- Opportunities for new work, partnerships, funding, events to attend, etc
- Which types of digital content are most popular with others
- Who the organisation’s biggest fans are
- Which of the organisation’s peers could do with help on a particular project (which might involve lending equipment or just answering a quick question)
As well as just hearing what others are getting up to and getting an idea of what’s hot or not in the industry or sector as a whole.
My question is this: how should they feed information back to the rest of the organisation?
I’m really thinking of small to medium sized organisations here – big enough to have different people with different responsibilities but not so big we’re getting into heavyweight internal corporate comms territory.
I’ve come across a few different ways in my time and it differs depending on how serious or time-sensitive something might be:
- Tell everyone in a weekly meeting
- Produce a monthly report or round-up
- Print off tweets/comments/etc and pin them to a noticeboard (see Zane Lowe here)
- Use a piece of software (maybe a ‘listening dashboard‘ everyone has set as their homepage)
- Nothing set in stone – just flag things up as and when (if at all)
I’d love to hear about any processes, tools and habits you use (or have thought about adopting).
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Reporting info from social media to others in an organisation
Some answers to a question I asked in this blog post:
Storified by Chris Unitt · Wed, May 16 2012 06:47:08
@ChrisUnitt Like the listening dashboard idea. I do monthly reports, a twitter/FB noticeboard with interesting comments & ad hoc emailsJan McQuillan@ChrisUnitt Mostly verbal updates, plus an SEO-for-laymen presentation I nicked off @SusanHallam.Clare Lovell@ChrisUnitt Ppl tend to glaze over at the actual numbers, so I use things like search terms and klout categories to make it friendlierClare Lovell@ChrisUnitt I generally just tell people e.g. "We have 50 more followers after that campaign", and bring graphs/stats to team meetings.Taras Young@ChrisUnitt Mainly just how much traffic we’ve had from each SM platform each month.Victoria Thompson