Links for 6 October 2009

  • Derek Powazek – How to Publish a Magazine in a Day and a Half – “But, really, I can’t believe how easy it was. Making print media used to be so difficult. I remember cutting and gluing long columns of text together, shooting flats, and generally sweating for days to create my college newspaper. Now the the most time-consuming part is simply asking for permission from the content creators”
  • Welcome | MagCloud – “Welcome to MagCloud, where you can publish your own printed magazine”
  • Trust Art – Home – “Trust Art is a social platform that is commissioning ten public artworks over the next year. People are invited to become shareholders with $1, share with interested friends, and renew culture”
  • 24hrBook Project : CompletelyNovel – “a groundbreaking project to challenge a group of writers to write a new story about London in just 24 hours. The book will be written by a group of experienced writers working together using all kinds of online collaborative tools around the clock”
  • HBO Imagine – “This isn’t sitting back to watch a show… we’ve created this entirely new way of experiencing a story. Each piece of content provides unique information, and offers a unique perspective on the characters, plots and motives at play, allowing viewers to discover for themselves what is really going on”
  • November In Manchester – November in Manchester is a social media tale of fiction. Taking place over the month of November, this project will share the story of two very different characters – via the medium of social media – as their lives intertwine and eventually collide
  • Flink Labs | Data Visualisation Beyond the Bar Chart | Concept Lens – Concept Lens is an innovative application that enables you to visually track the conversations occurring on Twitter and photos being posted on Flickr, for an event or topic of interest

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