Links for 8 July 2009
- VideoLAN – Open Source multimedia and streaming solutions – The only media player you’ll ever need (although you may want others). It loads quickly and plays everything and has just been released in it’s first proper full version
- FREE (full book) by Chris Anderson – The manifesto for making money by giving stuff away. True to form Anderson’s put the book online for free via Scribd
- Thomas Moronic – There’s just something very cohesive and unfussy about the layout of this blog, especially the ordering of the sidebar. When you spend your time reading RSS feeds you miss seeing the content in the context it was (most likely) intended. I’ve followed Thomas’s writings for a while, inherited when I nabbed Pete Ashton’s OPML file for CiB but rediscovered the blog itself when looking for examples of good writers’ blogs to point to
- Socialreporter – Crowds, tribes, teams: Tuttle turns to consulting – Interesting business model this. Tuttle is the name of a weekly social media get-together in London (from which the format for the Birmingham Social Media Cafe was lifted pretty directly) – “Tuttle has been going very well, and has now spawned The Tuttle Team. This is an innovative consulting approach to discover and understand client needs using a process of refinement through three forms”