Picturing social media
I’m often on the look-out for ways of presenting the concept of what social media ‘is’, especially animated ones (I’m an absolute sucker for animation in its many guises). Here are a few easily-digestable faves:
I only came across this one the other day. It was produced by Michael Reissinger for Scholz & Friends which is a PR agency, hence the slant towards the challenge traditional marketing faces.
Rather more straight-laced and slightly more corporate, again with a PR edge to it. ‘The Online Media’ has been put out by RealWire, a company specialising in online PR, based in Lincoln.
Commoncraft are pretty much the masters of clear, simple visualisations. This isn’t quite their finest but it’s still pretty good and captures something the first two don’t.
I’ll give a nod to Michael Wesch’s ‘The Machine is Us/ing Us too, which sketches the evolution of the web to what is often known as Web 2.0.
If there are any others worthy of a mention please drop a link in the comments.