Some really good work news

The Drum published some good news about Made Media (the agency I work for) the other day:
Digital creative agency Made Media has announced that it has acquired the assets of Firechaser, which will see the agency add the National Theatre, Southbank Centre and Roundhouse to its client list.
The acquisition will also see King’s Place, Young Vic, Wigmore Hall, Newcastle Theatre Royal and Mace Group work the agency.
The deal came together very quickly but, even still, we had a couple of months of having to keep quiet about it before everything was confirmed – always a painful thing to have to do when you’re excited about something.
That’s not an exhaustive list of our new clients in that article, by the way – there are some really great ones that weren’t mentioned. As far as the UK performing arts sector is concerned, we already had an enviable client list. This deal gives us a critical mass of arts organisations and venues and opens up all sorts of exciting possibilities. Hurrah!