Talking about Created in Birmingham with Carl Chinn

On Sunday I was back on BBC WM again, this time with Kate Spragg to talk about Created in Birmingham, its success in the Weblog Awards and the creative scene in Birmingham generally.

Carl was an engaging host and quickly grasped that the most important thing the site tries to do, beyond publishing bits of news and info, is link together the various communities around the creative sector.

I managed to get in plugs for 7 Inch Cinema, the Flatpack Festival and Capsule as well as the Social Media Surgeries organised by Nick Booth. Possibly others too, I forget.

I quite enjoyed the experience and, unlike my last appearance, I didn’t feel the slightest bit nervous and managed to keep my umms and ahhs to a minimum. I think. I haven’t listened back to it yet. For anyone who missed it and fancies a listen it’s available on the iPlayer until Sunday 22 Feb.

Here’s the obligatory photo of myself, Carl and Kate:


Big thanks to Carl Chinn for having us and for Lyle Bignon for arranging it.

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