The Guardian Culture Professionals Network
The Guardian Culture Professionals Network launched this morning, having been announced a few weeks back via their Twitter account. In their own words:
This is a place where professionals from all departments in arts and heritage organisations – including audience development, communications, education, fundraising, finance, logistics, management and policy – can come to share advice and inspiration. We will combine the best comment from around the web with fresh content commissioned in-house to cater to your needs and interests.
As far as ‘combining the best comment from around the web’ is concerned, I was chuffed to hear that they’d picked up on the article about online collaboration that I wrote for the Arts Marketing Association’s blog. Not only have they’ve reposted it but they’ve also made it one of the editors’ picks.
On top of that, I’ve also been asked to chip in to the first of their live chats, which will be a discussion of creative collaboration in a time of cuts. That’ll be at midday on Friday 11 November.